Monday, May 10, 2010

Foods that are bad

The list below is from David Buchholz book. These recipes avoid most of the foods below. Where there is an exception I will put it below the recipe. These are usually only foods on which he is uncertain. I do use soy sauce (avoiding it eliminates a lot of my favorite foods) and distilled vinegar in moderation. Tomatoes and mushrooms I eat a lot.

Coffee, tea, cola, decaf coffee

White chocolate is okay

Monosodium Glutamate
Chinese restaurant food, soups and bouillons,
Accent and seasoned salt, flavored salty snacks, croutons
and bread crumbs, gravies, ready-to-eat meals, cheap buffets,
processed meats, veggie burgers, protein concentrates,
low-fat, low-calorie foods.

Processed Meats and Fish
Aged, canned, cured, fermented, marinated, smoked,
tenderized—or preserved with nitrites or nitrates. Hot
dogs, sausage, salami, pepperoni, bologna (and other
lunchmeats with nitrites), liverwurst, beef jerky, certain
hams, bacon, pâtés, smoked or pickled fish, caviar and
anchovies. Also, fresh beef liver and chicken livers, and
wild game (which contain tyramine).

Cheese and other Dairy Products
The more aged, the worse. (Permissible cheeses include
cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese and good-quality
American cheese.) Beware of cheese-containing foods,
including pizza. Yogurt (including frozen yogurt), sour
cream and buttermilk are also triggers.

Avoid all kinds, as well as nut butters. Seeds are okay.

Alcohol and Vinegar
Especially red wine, champagne and dark or heavy drinks.
Vodka is best tolerated. Clear (ideally, distilled) vinegar is
allowable. Don’t overdo condiments (ketchup, mustard and
mayonnaise) made with vinegar.

Certain Fruits and Juices
Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tanger-
ines, clementines and pineapples) and their juices—as well
as bananas. Also avoid raisins (and other dried fruits if
preserved with sulfites), raspberries, red plums, papayas,
passion fruit, figs, dates and avocados.

Certain Vegetables, Especially Onions
Plus sauerkraut, pea pods and certain beans (broad Italian,
lima, fava, and navy, and lentils). Allowed: leeks, scallions,
shallots, spring onions; also garlic.

Fresh Yeats, Risen Baked Goods
Less than one day old: homemade (or restaurant-baked)
breads, especially sourdough, as well as bagels, doughnuts,
pizza dough, soft pretzels and coffee cake.

Aspartame (Nutrasweet)
Saccharin (Sweet’n Low) may also be a trigger for some.
As far as I know, sucralose (Splenda) isn’t a problem.

Other Possible Triggers
Perhaps soy products, especially if cultured (miso), fermented
(tempeh) or otherwise highly processed (e.g., soy
protein isolate/concentrate).Watch out for soy sauce containing
MSG. Less risky are unflavored tofu and soy milk and
flour. Soy oil is safe. Possibly tomatoes (and tomato-based
sauces), mushrooms . . . whatever gives you a headache.

there is another similar list here from Berkeley University which makes an interesting comparison, and includes non food triggers.
migraine triggers

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