Monday, May 3, 2010

Salmon Quiche

2 salmon fillets
2 leeks
4 Eggs
200 ml single cream
100 ml milk
a pinch of nutmeg
250g frozen puff pastry
knob of butter

serves 4 with accompaniments

Grease a large oven proof dish with butter, then line it with the puff pastry. Lay greaseproof paper on top, and fill it with baking beans. Bake in a hot oven (200 degrees c) for about 15 minutes, until the pastry puffs up and cooks.
Meanwhile season the salmon with lots of salt and pepper and fry in butter on both sides until browned and cooked through. On a lower heat fry the leeks cut into rings until soft.
Whisk together the eggs, cream and milk. Add a generous pinch of nutmeg, salt and pepper.
Add the leeks and salmon to the cooked pastry, and top up with the egg mixture. Turn the oven down to 160 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes, or until the quiche is brown on top and the inside is set. Best served warm.

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